Thursday, August 22, 2013

What is your Treasure? ..Security or Self Worth.. A Look at the Value of Nothing.

Tyler Perry’s new show on the OWN Network deals with the privileges of the rich and the misfortunes of the poor.  Aptly titled #TheHaves and The HaveNots, the script of the show is based on experiences that differentiate how life challenges are played out in the contrasts of opposing circumstances.

The haves have more than enough and still crave more. The have nots are destined to lives of basic existence, at the mercy of their richer counterparts.

The ordeal of living the life of the have nots may be deemed unbearable and unworthy by those accustomed to being the haves . Whether misfortune occurs by incident or malady, there are jewels of discoveries that are hidden behind the hardship veneer of the “havenots”.

In a world where having is being, labels are used to define what constitutes having and not having.  There are many who have been richly endowed with talents of wealth and material worth.  The imagery of security and professional  titles are the claims to having worth.    In the amusement of having, what is overlooked and lost in translation, are core values and talents in the invisible of nothing.

While to have is a privilege, there are the greater opportunities that can only be found in the gifted space of not having. There is bounty in different measures that seeds quality manifestations. Buried in the wreckage of struggle and despair are transformative revelations.     Generosity in human interactions emerge as promised rescues.    Acts of spontaneous kindness are demonstrations of goodness, that surface in the darkness of despair moments.   Healing concern and encouraging support are restorative and soothing ministry of shared fellowship.  Token acts of civility  convey greater resource and lasting bounty, when shared in mutual sincerity and wholesome respect. These are the intangibles that are worth more than material value.

In the dichotomy of life, ‘not having’ recognizes that there is no security in material values associated with having. The measure of self worth is not based on acumen and worldly treasures. Worth has little to do with having.  There is dissonance and incongruence in the struggle between the haves and the have nots. Ultimately, having is not being.  

The distinction of Being comes in times of harvest and manifestation. When the well of resource is emptied, the material tangibles are superficial in content and value. Out of nothing, something of greater value unfolds. The capacity to Trust the unknown is a practice that can only be derived in the absence of security. The resilience to endure hardship is an intangible that is discovered in perils of obscurity. The exploration of new frontiers of self discovery is earned in the disruption of limitation.  

With the experience of the nothing, immediacy succumbs to patience. Problems and challenges are the toiled with perseverance and endurance. Value and self worth are built with stable resolve and informed compromise.

Everyone does not seek out the life experiences of Have Nots. Rather, it is more comfortable to bask in the comforts of the Haves. Why would anyone want to deliberately subject themselves to social, emotional and financial ruin? The error of having nothing is not an ambitious elective. However, there are insights to be found when faced with the encounter of Nothing.  

When unforeseen or unexpected circumstances occur and life changes are radically disruptive and unsettling, there is the invincible respite that is gleaned in the solace of nothingness.

Be grateful in "having" for there are blessings of abundance and bounty. Be also intimately assured that the treasures of lifetime rewards are rich in the purse of the "have nots" The value of self worth is built on merits earned when you have grasped the rewards of Nothing. The realization comes that in Nothing we find lasting reward.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Wedding Vow " I do" is not about Me. What its all about? Shall We!!

With all due reality
 On Monday August 19, 1996,  I wrote the script titled "I do".  At that  time the idea of blogging was non existent. Also at the time, DOMA was not part of the social vocabulary.  With the right to marriage as a "hot trending topic" in current discussion, I find myself amused and entertained that the magnitude of the word "vow" has been my achilles heel, when it comes to the commitment of marriage.

With all due respect

In the words penned as a forethought to a marriage announcement by a close family member, I felt persuaded to deal with my own personal disposition on the subject.    I realized that my greatest discovery was that I had not yet discovered my own self.

As I witness the euphoria of the all the marrying newbies, I found my  "I do" testimonial.    If the inclination were to occur, and I in sound mind and body willingly entertain the sacred vow of marriage (again!), I have already prepared my "I do"  pledge.       It  shares my honest fears, concerns and deepest desires.

To say " I do" means that I am making an informed decision about who I am and my willingness to serve another being.  I accept the realization of my vulnerability.

 I need to commune emotionally, physically and spiritually with someone that love has chosen for me.  My feelings aren't clinical as to what  stimulates my responsiveness.  Love happens spontaneously.
 I may hear a song, see a flower, smell a fragrance, feel an inner stirring and even be moved to tears, and in my mind's eye, it is you.To say 'I do" I am acknowledging that i appreciate and respect you.  You are divinely unique, not perfect.  You are not an extension of me nor am I, of you.  i have dreams and desires and I ask you to enjoy what I offer.  I will not conveniently delight your tastes.  I am the selfish, the opinionated, the callous and also the fragile.  When I say unkind words and act displeasingly, I hurt me and inevitably hurt you also.  Our communion allows me to reflect in the solace of your love and understanding.I do is more than a ceremonial exercise.  I do is not entitlement.  I am not entitled to wear your ring, have your name  or bear your children.  I do is an awareness of the conviction that a new journey in my life is  about to begin.  In this journey, you are my chosen companion.  The task at hand is not the prospect of what lies ahead, but the ability to apply lessons learnt on tolerance, compassion, patience, steadfastness and kindness.I do does not erase problems, old habits, likes and dislikes.  I intend to share my whole self, not just the  good parts, but the parts that unfortunately, are unpleasant.

 In saying I do, I take responsibility for loving you as you are also.  As one of God's uniquely imperfect creatures, I seek to find and strive for what I perceive may be the best for me.  We are given the opportunity to discover more about ourselves and learn in the process.
In my discoveries, I may uncover that I am domineering, possessive, controlling and insensitive.  These are traits that are all a part of who I am.  I also, am affectionate, caring, passionate and loving, and with the "i do" I expose all my nakedness for your love and total consumption.
Here I am, I say "I do" knowingly, willingly  and lovingly.  This is my opportunity to surrender myself to another.  Each day that lies ahead, I will embrace and cherish as a gift given to me by God.  
"I do is my gift to you to share our moments with God entwined as our destiny

I  Do composed and written by G C Walker Monday August 19, 1996

Monday, July 29, 2013

Life Journeys; Enjoy the Unknowns, Leave Yesterday Behind and Find Bliss…within

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."― Ralph Waldo Emerson

On this journey called life, the value of a moment is as fleeting as the blink of an eye. Life is birthing renewal, constant and flowing. There are moments of turbulence, insecurity, disaster and despair. And within these intimate moments, life presents our greatest triumphs and successes. The rare gems of the precious turbulence are shrouded in mystery, beauty and bounty.

Within each of us, there are untapped reservoirs of limitless opportunity and potential. We lose the direction to our opportunities, because there are mishaps along the way. When we find ourselves at the point of question and doubt, it is in the potency of insecurity, fear and unwelcome disorder, that we discover our real internal compass. Often in our chaos and wretched misery, we stumble upon the value in the valley.

To traverse the roadways of life with all of its bitter sweet byways, and highways, one has to live through the momentary hardships called experience. One has to experience the shattered and brokenness. One has to know that there is promise and redemption.
When failures and roadblocks occur with far more frequency than you would like, and you enter into the tunnels of despair, without ready escape, there is an inevitable light in the far distant shadows. It beckons you proceed with caution.

I have cursed my fate. I have imagined that I would have achieved all the accomplishment of personal distinction. I have fantasized about the luxury of bounty. I have yearned for material bank and prosperity, with all its companion artifacts; home, car, money, travel, jewels, and precious valuables. I have felt despondent and discouraged. I have experienced doom in my own financial perils. However, the experience of naught has also been the nurturance of my highest worth.

While in the valley of nothing, life summons a pause. The remarkable virtue of poverty is to appreciate more of less. I became richer in my compassion, empathy, concern and consideration. In the trials and tribulations I have discovered respite in sanctuary, solace and bliss. These are the real riches.

Life is a journey not a destination(Emerson). Each traveler on this life journey has a very singular and individual map. As I course through the years of my sunset, I bask in the optimism of tomorrow. I do not dwell on the now of defeat which only fuels the weary. I am propelled in the energy of illustrious unknowns, adventure and promise.

Ecstasy, euphoria and intimacy are scopes of life adventures filled with delicate and intimate perfumes. I look forward to be fragranced in lusty embrace. Mystery, chance, opportunity and destiny are transformative and enchanting episodes in the pageantry of life. I anticipate more opportunities to unearth wisdoms. Looking ahead to the journey, I am cautiously optimistic. 

The guideposts marked with humor, sensitivity, life loves are celebration to my human existence.  Life continues to awaken excitement and fervor with tailored anticipation. Life is very subtle. It is a journey filled with conflict, contradiction and intrigue. We are all on the journey to inevitability, the end destination, comrade Death.

In the essence of the time we spend in our journey called life, I dare say, celebrate your most treasured commodity, the inimitable, the priceless, one and only, the presence of what we inhabit. Enjoy the unknowns, leave yesterday behind and find bliss…within.

Situations of ill begotten circumstances are pivotal routes in life called detours. From the perspective of personal experiences, these are the luminous travels that help shape the vision of a lifetime of rebirths and new beginnings.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Writer's Block : The Process of Creative Distraction
Lest my posts go unnoticed, my writing has taken a leave of absence.

Every week for the last 5 months, I wrote; about something.   I have written about me, family, social media and even have contributed articles that have been successfully published on Yahoo voices.

As I perked in my writing efforts, I also notice, there has been a change in my tempo. I am having a slow spell in my writing creativity. I haven't submitted any new posts to blogs or articles in weeks.  The writer block affliction is upon me.

As many writers have shared,  writer's block  is a unique atrophy of the writing muscles, that comes when least desired. The uncomfortable paralysis of the silence of the writer is as dreaded as a repeat dereliction.   As with all maladies, there are prescriptive interventions.  And for interventions to be meaningful and successful, progressive actions must follow.   In the case of writer's block, the first step to progress is admittance.  The most effective treatment protocol is to be receptive to the insights and learning that come with silence.

For myself, the writer's block is like a temporary restraint in thoughts.   Has my writing voice gone silent?   I feel a sense of disconnect with my writing character. I question my credibility as a writer.   Am I having a flirt rendezvous with writing?   I wonder if other writers share similar experiences. Can I sustain my writing with passion, or is this a mere fleeting pastime?   These questions gnaw at me as I search for answers.    Truth be told, writer's block occurs with far more frequency, than the regularity of new scripts and ideas.
Writer's block is a common affliction that most writers will experience at one time or another's_block#cite_note-Clark-1
In my effort to write this piece, I seek to gain perspective in transforming thoughts to words.   In scouring my mind for new ideas I hope to return from the writer in absence and reconcile with my writer in residence.   My inner writer is touring through many excuses and is seeking affirmation. Revise, rewrite, repeat are the continuous exercises of thought.  Juggle, balance, and streamline are the repeated messages of thought interceptions.  At times the mind games are filled with copious streams of information.  Until the information is ready, there are the constant interplays of withholding and release, and the waiting.

In the subtlety of no thoughts and words and waiting, there comes a script of insightful illumination.   Writer's block” is a transitional pause for the writer's inner voice to birth a flowering identity.    Ideas are constant and fertile. Even while there is the draught of  artful creativity in expression, the words are being germinated and when they have ripened they will bloom forth.

In the article,  The 10 types of Writers'Block and how to overcome them, there are two paragraphs that resonate with my personal writing anxiety of  loss for words:

 1.  'You can't come up with an idea' .."where you literally have a blank page and you keep typing and erasing, or just staring at the screen..." and;
10.  "You're revising your work, and you can't see your way past all those blocks of text you already wrote..."  The writer suggests much to my reassurance and relief, that the writer's block is "rather just the natural process of trying to diagnose what ails your novel"  in my case my blog.

In December 2012, I began to write as a means of  venting.   I was immersed in the experiences of constant despair and challenge.    I was seeking emotional solace and sanctuary.  Writing introduced me to an inner place of emotional turmoil that needed expression. The outlet for my thoughts became blogs.

As a writer/blogger I am still searching for my personal voice.  The courtship with my writing pen is my most intimate indulgence.  Writing is where I share my heart, soul and all that matters.  Writing is my ever engaging, most mentally stimulating long term companion.

For me,  writing is as individual and unique as my own dna.   The thoughts that I speak to, and the way that I phrase them are distinctly personal.  My signature style of writing comes from who I am and how my conversation is translated into words.  I want to convey more than a script.  Whether I write on generic topics or on my own personal life situations, my writing contains and resembles the character that defines who I am.

As part of my growth in the field of writing, I anticipate that the routine of creativity will be peppered with the pauses and stops.  While the writer's block wreaks mental exhaustion, with the repeats of revisions, recreations, redrafts, and the redos, there comes refreshed and renewed results.

Every thought is an idea.  Every idea comes to life as crafted with the artful brush of a writer's pen.  There is unlimited talent in the art of writing and for every pause, every silence, every writer's block, a profusion of artists in numerous specialities emerge.  Creative process in writing is not for the instantaneous self applause and opportune adulation.   Sometimes, when there are the pauses, the void of no demonstration, thought has a place to find nurturance.

Luckily, the way I see it, the writer's block is a period of gestation to refine, enhance and allow the creative juices to come to full fruition.  The writer's block is pure creative distraction.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Initiate Thought, Provoke Discussion, Create Reason and Response and Call it a Blog

Blog writers initiate discussion that elicits thought, reason and response. At its nucleus, effective bloggers  write with artistic creativity. The staging process of a blog begins with the visualization of concept, context and theme.  Similar to the eye of an artist, the scripted ideas and thoughts of a blogger are paintings colored with words and text.

With social media,  the demand for bloggers has generated a powerful and growing industry of creative writer enthusiasts.   Bloggers and the artform of writing are flourishing.  Rather than specialty occupations in journalism, communications, public relations, marketing  and media relations, there is an overwhelming demand for blogger contributions beyond all business and social boundaries.

In observation, the merits of blogging,  and the value contribution to world societies in the artform of blogging is reason for study and researched understanding. With curiosity and fascination, I have been observing the glut of writers in social media engagement.  The profusion of writers about every topic imaginable is now radically viral.

In the industry of bloggers, the hills of writer's dreams and published aspirations are filled with interruptions, such as,  writer block, impasse and restructure in the climb to the top.  Blogger reflection and introspection ensue as I engage in the art of writing.  From early adolescence,  I wanted to be impressive as a writer.  In my uninformed style, I would use words bigger than my own imagination to make a simple statement, exhaustive and compound.  Luckily, my teachers, were quick to correct and admonish me for over excessive usage of "big words".  KISS, keep it simple stupid was my regular dose of writing medicine reality.  I uncover and recover and recreate art thoughts and posit them into words.  I continue to learn and gain perspective in social media examination.

Social media is invitation to craft thoughts, share with others and commune in circles.   Social media technology and all of its peripheral advantages  are driving innovation and creativity throughout the landscape of  written communications.  The art of writing has exploded exponentially.  In a convergence of the science of technology and the need to explain the theories and reasoning  for technologies, the rise of literary encyclopedia is rocketing beyond the unlimited, in social media blogosphere.

Prior to the 1990s, the term Blogger was non existent.  Diaries, journals, individual essays were the common products associated with writing.  As the web spread its spiral outreach to worldwide corners of the globe, the weblog of created articles were the original blogs. With multitudes of creative writer opportunities among the numerous social media platforms,  building and  growing connections, followers and communities are the return on investment (ROI)  for the career bloggers.

In  real time space and proximity of world communities, distance is merely  geographic location.  Instantaneous is as immediate as the blink of an eye.  In the marriage to technology advancement and the common sharing of a blogger, portals of  virtual exchange have been opened,  which have otherwise been non existent.   Transcontinental information travel is occurring with virtual speed of lightning.  The carriers are the many networked  web connections that provide links to indefinite realms of  opportunities.

In the course of becoming an avid and thriving blogger, I am always apprehensive about whether or not my content is authoritative and rich in marketability.  I am fielding and researching the value of adwords, and what text makes any adsense. With intentional humor,  my entry as a new blogger to the bloggersphere world, is filled with uncertainty and awkward deference.

The dilemma a new blogger faces is quite challenging.  Writing content and interaction must appeal to social media engagement audiences.  Whether to  blog about  personal life, social interests, career pursuits , fashion, cooking, photography, one must carve a niche market to win followers.    Followers become  communities.   Activity generated by comments  and  the number of reshares build the capital of  the writer's wealth in outreach.   Without the knowledge of  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) codes  and technology nuances, target audience appeal is limited.  Additionally,  content must also be recognized for word value.  The words that capture the  thread, stream, backlink are recognized in computer linguistics as a series of analytics that help increase content recognition.

 In order to thrive and stay relevant bloggers write without ceasing.    As a blogger contributor, ideas must be constructed and developed at a pace of constant and consistent delivery.    Topic titles are screened and evaluated on  keyword content through SEO and computer backlinks.  With all these requisites and attributes for successful blogging,  most  new bloggers face challenging  uphill odds.

A plethora of sites are crawling all over the internet, to invite writers to blog.  The blogger fantasy is that the topic that they share will automatically attract and generate booming results in readership and income returns.      Among the many blogger invitations to share are the sites promising fortunes for recruiting, enlisting and resharing of blogs.  In its appeal to targeted audiences, blogger entrepreneurship is now the most prolific enticement to generate bounty.

Bloggers are the prey  for the newest pyramid schemes.  The names of celebrity professionals, such as  Wayne Dyer,  Marianne Williamson, Oprah, Maya Angelou,  Louise Hay  are listed in title headings to entice and invite entrepreneur bloggers.   Their quotes are intentionally posted within the first sentences of text, which in turn generates volume readership.  Winning customers through social media baiting is another creative writing artform.

Social media is a frontier of many hills and valleys.  As seen in the Blogger Life Cycle illustration depicted at the top,  from thoughts and ideas, to frustration, to writers block to halo rise at the top, there is emotional commitment and enduring perseverance to "Call it a Blog".   In the halls of academia, where the fears that the soft studies would be trampled by the software and technology driven crusades, Writing Studies departments have been revived.   Technology in all of its most abstract and computer generated analytics have fueled demand for functional writing in communications.

In the midst of the gropes of technology, where every person on the internet is traceable, and information is always public, there is now a burgeoning boom of writing enthusiasts.  The art of blogging is an extension of the brain banks of multitudes of individual thinkers and thought leaders,

In the paintbrush of the artist a canvass reflects the indelible pictures in the portals of the mind.  In social media, the blogger creates a repository of ideas and words that paint and reflect, theme, thought, response and invitation.

For those in pursuit of the blogger mecca, put on your thinking caps.  Initiate Thought, Provoke Discussion, Create Reason and Response,  Write!  Share! Comment! Follow!   and Call it a Blog!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Tall Man I have come to Know, Respect, Admire with MORE Love

This picture is a stamp of reflection and honor to: Andrew Walker, my father, Rose Walker, my mother, my brother Andre and his wife Grace Walker, my siblings, and my son Daryean and his Dad

His demeanor of authority, his moral conscience, his tireless devotion to duty, his unwavering individuality and his indestructible faith are the inherited wisdom trophies.   Through a lifetime of countless challenges and unknowns, he perseveres.  He is the most constant man of significance for all of my life.

As a child, I only knew him as a presence.  As far as I was concerned, he was tall and that's just the extent of my nine year old summation.    

He was my mother's arm of consolation,  her sole confidant, her finance minister, her angst monitor, her sorrow bearer, her discipline, sometimes corporal, most times, verbal mouthpiece.  He was also her devoted and effusively adoring son.

In the grief, the hopelessness and despair of widowhood at age forty nine, my mother's fears were reassuringly abated.  He did not abandon her.  From the death of my father at age fifty, each of my ten siblings and I, were protected and our lives were sheltered because of his honor, his devotion, his principle and his manhood.

At age twenty eight, newly married, with a growing family, he assumed the post of husband, partner, lover, lifetime companion till death do us part, to his young and beautiful wife.  To his mother and to each of us, he was the family benefactor by default.

From the age of nine through fifty seven, I have witnessed  demonstration of triumph through Grace.  In the line of siblings, he is the second child, first boy with five sister siblings.   With three more brothers, my fourth brother, a year younger than I, died at 3, and I, our intersecting lives were fairly distanced and separate in years and experiences.

On the day of my wedding in 1977, I was escorted up the aisle by him.  I felt that I would topple over because my knees were trembling and buckling .   In addition to the fact, my  3 inch spike heels were a balancing act by itself,  I was so reassured by the strength of his grip on my elbow.    I felt no greater honor than to be given away by him. His rendition of the Schubert Ave Maria at my wedding ceremony is an indelibly treasured memory.

Be our differences great or small, whether we clash on ideals or ideas, in spite of  our contradicting views, I have always known and cherished the gift of his fatherhood.  He has and always shared his talents, his nurturing and caring and more than any thoughts, his discipline and spiritual conviction.

Without my biological father, he became more than a father figure. He became my mother's saving Grace.  He shared his pocket, he shared his time, he shared  his advice and he shared the covenant of family.  

Sometimes we seek to have our children know that we have journeyed. The life lessons always birth new awakenings.   In my life, I have seen the gift of fatherhood, through the parenting by a mother.  I have also been cared for by all my siblings.  Each became my guardian through many phases of life experiences.  In the role of eldest son, the example of commitment to family, of duty to responsibility, and of untiring devotion to faith, are the most permanent and lasting gifts that I have received from my oldest brother. 

My gratitude is infinite and my love is greater than words.  Andre, my oldest brother, you are a father,  to my nephews and niece.    They now have taken the mantel of parenting to their own offspring.  In all of my years, I have always known your presence.  More than a brother, you continue to be the Our Father, to the prayers of all our ancestors, to the legacy of our father and mother, and to future generations.

For the man, who stands so tall and keeps me looking up, you are the example and the practice of  the word  "Father".  It is an understatement to say I love you.  Like my granddaughters say, I love you MORE.
Happy Father's Day, my dear, dear brother.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Romance of Social Media Engagement for Viral Dominance

Like a debutante with eager anticipation,  the adrenalin rush of expectation and enthusiasm to step into a new dimension of experience, is an enticing and exciting thrill.

So is the bubbling energy of social media engagement.  

I choose to dress the science of social media engagement and the gamut of its extensions as an enactment of themes.  The story illustrates people whose work and lives are circled around their interactions in social media communities and the power of engagement.   Social Media Engagement, is parodied as a romance, where competing media platforms are the numerous social media outlets in pursuit of their millions of followers.

The basis of success in social media is viral value. The competitors woo and win followers, and build communities.   They establish models of engagement and are the major contenders for global prominence. 

In the narrative shared here, the characters are based on fictionalized truths. The exposé of the grand machinery of social media is way too involved and convoluted to contain it in the mechanics of a blog. 
Dr. Vergis Tenar, the forerunner in the campaign race for political appointment and his Administrative Officer, Maria Sinclair, are the avatars to the story.

Maria is thoroughly immersed in social media, from the perspective of its intrigue and capabilities. She is most seduced by the virtual activities of  world collaboration value that is available instantaneously.  She is active on social media and is interested in new and developing products, apps, research insights, that can increase her talents, skills and her overall productivity.  She examines  models of social media engagement and is prepared for her upcoming debut moment.

In the key role of Administrative Officer for the Governor elect, she is the lead presenter at the offsite virtual meeting webinar event.  The invited audience includes the Governor elect's advisory team, business colleagues, technology leaders, subject matter experts and many representatives of community constituents. The title of her topic:  "The Role of Social Media and The Rules of Engagement for a Winning Outcome".  She is invigorated with enthusiastic nervous excitement, just as she was, at her first dance at the Queens Park Ballroom twenty five years earlier. 

For her coming out as a debutante, she was entrancing.   The gown she wore was the "one and only",  from a wide consortium of haute couture choices.  It was a unique design, with the perfect composite of glitter and woven silk, intricately threaded in a fusion of Caribbean vibrancy.   The dress lay exquisitely on her curvaceous and statuesque body contours.  As she moved the dress flowed with each muscle shiver, clinging sultrily with fusion and excitement. And in the ecstasy of this occasion she swooned in the revelry of majesty and magic. 

The feast of glamour and allure is very intoxicating.  The premiere command performance is exacting and persuading.   To deliver the  best presentation was her optimal goal in her new career role. She was hired directly by the candidate, bypassing the strict rudiments of vetting.  As the  Personal Staff Assistant and Administrative Officer for his management consulting lobby firm, she is pivotal to the organization and its future success. 

They met two and a half years earlier at a social media networking event she had organized.  The guest list was most impressive with over one thousand  attendees.    There were local business representatives, a diverse and culturally mixed group of professionals, and a host of people of varied backgrounds and nationalities.  Everyone was there to further their business interests and connections. 

She masterfully socialized with her guests in maneuvers of quick meet and greet chat intervals.  During their fifteen minute conversation they established a connection.  Their initial  business introduction became a shared vision of community enterprise and social advancement.

At thirty five, Vergis Tenar is an accomplished musician, who studied Jazz and Improvisation Modern Music at the Longy School of Music, Boston, Massachusetts, and also holds Doctorate of  Philosophy from George Washington University, in the District of Columbia .  Vergis Tenar, Ph.D., is the President of iDare Integration and Organization Solutions,(iDIOS).    

On May 15th, 2012, Maria is the keynote speaker for iDIOS at their global strategic offsite convention in Honolulu, Hawaii.     Her presentation is tweaked and fine tuned with calculated scrutiny.  She studied her subject matter with detailed analysis. She rehearsed her talking points and timed her transitions for smooth delivery.

For her foray in social media mastery, Maria develops a library of the most significant players in the geography of social media.

These are the cliff notes for Maria's presentation:

  • There are the social media game changers. 
  • There is AOL, and MySpace.   
  • There is Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Tumblr, Flickr. 
  • The current trendsetter in social media cyberspace connectivity, Google.  
  • There are as many platforms as there are choices for individual consumer interests.  Some have plummeted  in the follower volume activity, and others are viral with growing millions of users and followers.  
Among the multiplex of social media niche platforms,  Maria's  research findings are captured as follows:

Facebook has revolutionized and overturned the foundations of social media connectivity and engagement.  
Facebook is the genesis of the romance of social media.   
Eight years after it was created, when Facebook went public May 2012, 

" The IPO was one of the biggest in technology, and the biggest in Internet history, with a peak market capitalization of over $104 billion. Media pundits called it a "cultural touchstone." .

Facebook:  As of July 2012, with over 1 billion users ,   has become the lounging social room for its largest demographic of current users.  

Twitter:   Provides its users with serial updates to its over half billion followers.  For the hyperactive, the short and sweet twitter is a real time forum of quick microblogs of information exchange

LinkedIn:   Attracts job searchers and professional business networkers to exchange business related services and career researchers with postings that are job centric.   LinkedIn boasts its the largest professional services network with over 225 million users worldwide. 

The axle of quantitative and qualitative analysis yielded the GooglePlus result.

Highlights to the Google explosion:
Google becomes the world’s largest search engine
Google AdWords launches
We acquire Pyra Labs, the creators of Blogger.
Google Voice debuts on the iPhone, and Google Instant comes to most smartphones.
After the State of the Union, U.S. President Barack Obama has a Google+ Hangout to answer questions directly from citizens.
Google Play gives you one simple destination for music, movies, books and apps.

With consumptive appeal for interaction with family, friends, loved ones, social media engagement has become an overly indulgent lifestyle for its most obsessive users.  From the research gathered from online communities, consumers want engagement, and seek connection.

They want to be seen, heard, shared and be visible.  They seek relationship and courtship.   With heightened expectations and more desires,  consumer demands increase for wants and needs.

In her opening statement for the offsite event,  Maria shared these prepared remarks:
With many thanks to my mentor, Dr.Vergis Tenar, President of iDare Integration and Organization Solutions,(iDIOS),  for the vision and leadership and statesmanship, staff, and you the distinguished audience, I have the esteemed honor to present the topic: The Role of Social Media and The Rules of Engagement for a Winning Outcome.

The lights then dimmed, and flashing strobe lights were directed to the woman, emerging out of a global structure, showing a kaleidescope of color, forming knitted twists around the globe.   Bursting through spheres of circles,  populations of world followers were shown feeding into the event.  They were sending tweets,  posting remarks, on Facebook, TwitterLinkedIn, Instagram, and many of the popular social media platforms;  and all this was happening in real time and simultaneously.

She was impeccably attired. Her radiance beamed.  In the simplicity of a black structured fitting  armless dress, hemmed to fit slightly below the knees, she looked elegant, yet distinguished.  She wore a colorful scarf, carefully draped to form angular rows from the nape of her neck to mid chest, which complimented the black ensemble, with vibrant accent.

Her face emerged on every screen in the grand ballroom, and her video Hangout on Air was streamed on the Youtube chanel to invited attendees at all regions of world outreach
In this quasi fictitious scenario, I share the true reality of what social media engagement entails.  

There are the many platforms as there are its dedicated users.  Contrary to the many discussions, of takeovers within the social media industries, the opportunities for engagement, branding, marketing and creating followers are brimming with innovation and technological adventure.
In contention with the idea of scope and potential, for individual, for businesses, for campaigns, for events, for virtual collaboration, for technology breakthroughs in the current media analysis, Google has surpassed the bandwidth of capabilities and is growing with exponential demand that is unstoppable.

The love affair with social media engagement is in full bloom and Google is leading in viral dominance.

By the end of her presentation, Maria is escorted to center stage to take a bow.    Dr. Tenar's zeal is untamed.  He is hooting and cheering.  The future of his campaign is optimistically assured under the dutiful watch of his next Chief of Staff, Maria Sinclair.  

She gloated in the moment, and was elated  with all the praises and accolades that she received.  In the thrill of exhilaration her mind wandered, and she was swirling and dancing and delirious with joy.   She remembered in ecstasy,  the night of the debutante ball.

Friday, May 31, 2013

On the 50th Anniversary, There is Love

The celebration was very private and was tempered with mixed emotions. The gathering of an intimate few of family members toasted  the couple at their 50th wedding anniversary in a cozy church room, on the outskirts of the nation's Capitol.

Many who reach this milestone are regaled in ceremonial pageantry.   The 50th anniversary couple opted for quiet simplicity and parochial blessings.

The wear of aging has waged a toll on her gait and her comportment.  In days of yore, with her 22" waist 36" hip, modest cup bra size, her beauty was extolled with charm and elegance.  She exuded a Sophia Loren mystique.

On this day, at 73, her radiance and buoyancy are as effervescent and bubbly and have not waned.   "Only medical hiccups" - the loss of sight in one eye, the adult onset diabetes, the stilting muscular degeneration in her knees- she would laughingly jest, are her obscure self diagnoses.

He is ever machismo, with his bronze toned hue and sharply contoured features.  The 83 plus years have been ever so kind to him. He is still the charming and handsome pedigree of a family line bestowed with extended longevity.  His admirers state that he is the personification of a Harry Belafonte look alike.

She won his fancy, while in the splendor of their youth.  They shared a common ancestry of generational bloodlines.  In the small district village on the outskirts of the main capital, Crusoe Island, their families were both recognized as landmarks, in their heritage and history.

All of the legions of first ancestors, beginning with the influx of Spanish immigrants who found trade and opportunity and harvest in the sugar cane and cocoa industry are his geneological link to the past.   She is steeped in British, French, East  Indian and the all inclusive Caribbean West Indian influences.  By cultural definition, they are the cosmopolitan gene pool of multiplicity of nationalities.  They are as Creole, as they are Mullatto,  as they are African and Indian, British, French and Spanish.

In his toast, their first born offered a genuinely sincere thank you.  For his birthplace, for the love and for all they have endured, he congratulated both parents and shared an endearing hug.

Today, was not one of his better days.  From early adolescence with a diagnosis of mental illness, his regimen of medication has been exhaustive.  It has been further compounded with adult onset diabetes and other health complications.

Fraught with the maladies of shattered hopes, and unfulfilled dreams he has battled his neuroses with ongoing chivalry.  At those times, when the emotional, physical and mental balance are in synergy, he is functional.  He has a gifted recollection to detail that is mesmerizing. 

His foremost passion is his gift of enjoying classical music.  As a pianist, he has studied and has acquired  a concentrated library of his favorite composers.  The Listz narrative is what is most deeply entrenched in his internal compass.

When his psyche is disordered, he becomes erratic, disgruntled and dis-associative.  His muscle spasms and facial ticks are uncontrollable.  His gesticulations and tonal utterances are irregular and erratic.

For his entire adult life, his parents have been his church, his sanctuary, his permanent place of consolation, comfort and lonely respite.

For this 50th anniversary the onset of an episodal meltdown was foreseeable.  So there was no formal ushering of festive plans.

Whilst there was the portending disquiet, the 50th anniversary celebrant's daughter, discreetly commissioned her sister/cousin to lead a small  assembly of family siblings to be present at a church service, on the evening of the anniversary.

They came together for the auspicious occasion of the 50th anniversary of the couple's celebration.

The bride was approaching the church entrance accompanied by her granddaughter.  Her sisters waited in the front portal as she approached.  As the bride observed her sisters in waiting, she let out a squeal of joyful surprise.  She still had no clue that the visit was part of a planned micro mini 50th anniversary celebration.  

During the service, the daughter rendered a wholesomely pure and effortlessly fluid, Schubert's Ave Maria.  "It was not only classical voice that enchanted us, it was golden richness" shared an aunt in glowing accolades.

The Golden anniversary couple was publicly blessed and was applauded and cheered by fellow  church congregants.  In a private room adjoing the church some nine family members took pictures, shared hospitality, toasted and honored the Anniversary couple.  

The priest joined the celebration and heartily sang familiar Irish songs.  Other than the family cheers, the one that stood out most, was that of the five year old granddaughter.

With full command and clear voice she shared that she loved the family because everyone Cares.  She lustily shared that she was "really!, really!,  really!" so excited to be there.

Though there was minimum pageantry and public invitation, the occasion was reverently treasured.  The sister/cousin/ niece recited the words from The Wedding Song, sung by Peter, Paul and Mary on behalf of everyone.

And to the 50 th Anniversary couple we raised our glasses with these words:

The union of your spirits, here, has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name

There is Love.

There is Love.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dare to be Ageless: The Saavy of Aging and the Wisdom to Dare

Friday May 24 2013

In the course of the last 24 hours I was in the presence of death with its  royal sadness and finality.  I also shared an hour with Jordan Cooper, 2014 candidate for the post of delegate to the State of Maryland.  

In contrast to the sobering,  unforgiving reality of death on this May 23 2013 morning,  I was able to enjoy life giving fervor, passion, optimism and hope for humanity, in the ideals of a 28  year old aspiring politician:

Jordan P. Cooper
Democratic Candidate Delegate
District 16 Maryland General Assembly
June 2014 Primary Elections

as we met for coffee and introduction, late afternoon in Bethesda, Maryland.

Because of a post on Facebook,  my extended community of Washington DC, Metropolitan area, Caribbean nationals were alerted to the death announcement of one of its most illustrious and charismatic entertainment personas.  Marjorie Ann "Marge" Lawrence-Sargeant, the female lead singer of the Image Band was gone.

In the dichotomy of the two intersections of  life passages, death of Marge at 63, and the budding political aspirations of a 28 year old, I was forced to reckon with my own destiny.  I reflected on the view, through the mirror of my own life.

In death, I came to know of Marge.  She was the mother, whose children stood in solidarity and shared about her gifts of unconditional love in their eulogy.    She was the friend, who was revered as a stalwart of generosity and richness, in all of her talents and her sharing.  

To her life loves, her husband, her family, her community, she was a spirit of fire and exemplary determination.  To our Caribbean community, and most especially to me, she was an energy force, pumped with Caribbean juices. 

Whenever Marge was on stage, she would command a presence of dance, that could never be equalled.    In her model svelte body, Marge, had the ability to "wuk up" her waist, in simulations of throbbing thrusts, throws, jolts and dips, and then swirl in circular motions, without breaking a sweat.

 With a challenging glare to her audiences, she beckoned each and everyone to participate.  Her rhythmic muscle pulsations from her waist down, were choreographed in Caribbean and African ancestral flamboyance.

I met Marge, as a friend of my deceased brother Brian, who died in 1998 at age 51.  We did not get to know each other in a bosomy close friendship.  But, on occasions, when I attended shows with the Image Band in performance, it was as if, she were sending libations from the heavens.   

She would glare at me with those big haunting eyes,  to bid me enjoy, welcome and embrace the honor.   In my mind's eye, she was chanelling and offering the spirit of Brian's presence.

The biggest reveal about Marge, was not that she had been an Immigration Inspector for the Department of Homeland Security for over 35 years.  It was that she was not Caribbean by birth.  She was born and raised in Wyandanch, New York, USA.

As I saw all the familiar faces, the photographers, the artists, the dancers, the Trinidad and Tobago Steelband ensemble , the African drummers, the poets, the lawyers, the doctors, the radio personalities, I became overwhelmed in the nostalgia of sacred memories.

I remembered Brian's funeral and I wept for Marge and for the lust for life that she lived so heartily.   For her 63 years, Marge, just like Brian, inhabited youthful energy and untameable vitality.

I then went to a scheduled appointment with Jordan Cooper,  2014 Democratic Candidate for Delegate in the Maryland General Assembly.

My introduction to Jordan came about as a result of a garage door installation that my son's company DMG Services, Daryean M Gomez, Owner,  completed at the Cooper family residence, in Bethesda Maryland.   After the installation was completed, Jordan shared his political agenda and his interests in community involvement with my son.  

He followed up with an email to me, since I, coordinate the business operations for DMG, stating that he enjoyed meeting with Daryean, and would like to find out about the concerns that small businesses were experiencing.  He further stated that he was open and available to address questions or concerns that were issues in the local community.

As a naturalized citizen of the United States since 1992, I have performed my civic duties and responsibilities as a voter.  I have not been active in Maryland State political affairs.   I was  intrigued by Jordan as a person first, politician second.  

In sharing  the human capacity to reach out to a visiting worker, with decency, respectfulness, engagement, and professional hospitality, Jordan exampled moral character and integrity.  Without bias to political persuasion or agenda, I felt that the extent of effort demonstrated by Jordan Cooper, to reach his constituents was admirable, and to a much larger extent, politically astute.

In my blog on the housing industry meltdown crisis, I communicated with Jordan on the perils of experiencing Foreclosure.   I was pleasantly encouraged that Jordan responded in a follow up email.  He again showed an earnest demonstration  of care and genuine  sincerity by discussing options that he investigated on my behalf.  

With  over 30 years of business career experience I have observed and assimilated into corporate culture.  I have accumulated a vast reservoir of intelligence assets.  There is an intrinsic trait of genuine credibilty evident in the untested resolve and in the political manifesto of Jordan Cooper, the candidate for Maryland State office.

In the compliment of youthful ideals and seasoned valuation I celebrate the experience of optimistic synergy in the connection with Jordan.   In the course of an hour's discussion,  we covered a range  of topics.  We spoke about management communications, political rhetoric, strategic analysis, and deployment of next actions.

In the interest of our future engagements, we conferred on what would be the ideal objectives of mutual interests.   We spoke about:  "Creating an Online Presence" as part of his communications agenda.

What does the saavy of aging and the wisdom to dare mean:

It means to accept, acknowledge and adhere to the treasury of talents and abilities that are available and are at your disposal throughout life stages.

I suggest opportunity is available to everyone from birth to the last breadth.

Our life course is paraded in the shelter of youth and agelessness.  

The bliss of wisdom is an honorary life achievement.  

As  I enter the decade of my sixties, Age, Wisdom, and Experience  are my lasting credentials.  

My oath to life:   
In liiving and in dying, whether twenties through nineties and more:

Dare to Be Ageless!


Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Circle of Communities and Building Followers are prime Real Estate to Social Media Success

Success, as the social media debutante I am, is like having my naiveté slammed into overdrive, full throttle without a gear shift.   I feel the momentum and accelerate. I am on a projectile to infamy without a guiding compass. Without the insurance of prime real estate value for my social media landing, I may crash and burn.   

In real estate the slogan, location, location, location is an indication of prime value.  In #Social Media circles, follower, follower, follower is guaranteed prime value star * visibility.  The circle of friends, communities and growing followers are prime real estate value to social media success.  

Creating circles of friends, families, communities and having a growing multitude of followers are the magnets for success in social media. The clues to get to that success venue are shared by celebrity media icons and most importantly, by the knowledge shared and generosity of social media thought leaders.  

Here are the prized takeaways for me in the journey towards success as GooglePlus Blogger.
  • Community builds leaders.  
  • Leaders share with followers. 
  • Followers share with Community  
  • Circles  revolve
  • Success 
What does it take to become a Social Media celebrity?

+Richard Branson , #Virgin Records,  #Virgin Atlantic Airways, #Virgin Galactic, and over 400 other Virgin-branded enterprises  is a social media celebrity with over 5 million followers on Google plus.

+Guy Kawasaki , software evangelist, and author speaker and Motorola Google advisor has over 5 million followers on Google Plus

They are both multi billionaires and can thrive successfully in their respective brands of expertise, with limited social media visibility.   They are, however, quite the contrary, vigorously and robustly active on social sites, and are very vocal in the Google+ environment.   They post updates daily.  Posts are done either by each of them personally, or by their #social media coordinators.  Their posts invite reaction and conversation. Among their followers, there is the notion of intimacy with nuances of personal connection to a famous person.  There are interactive exchanges of comment, responses and resharing among the followers and communities and the leaders. They have earned their fame as social media community building celebrities.

For me as a new Blogger, I have started a course of engagement on Google Plus.  Initially, in the neophyte mindset, I thought, if I write something many will see my creativity, and they would think, “She is a budding talent”.   I assumed I would naturally attract those who are most inclined to know more or about me or about what I share.

 I migrated from the #Facebook platform to +GooglePlus, because the environment at Facebook, catered to a very quarantined individualistic shared exchange.  I wanted to say more.  Most people will digest the first paragraph or last paragraph of shared information and will ignore most substance in a post.   I write with robust pleasure and enjoyment and like the engagement of participation, and exchange, and shared commentaries. I find #Blogger is a most accessible and accommodating tool for my involvement.  

I had no idea what to + another person and comment and share meant.  But I did selfishly want to introduce my audience to what I shared on my personal blogs.  The idea of my own self importance was quickly diminished as I continued to see my own statistics of followers remaining in the low 50s.  I wanted to learn and improve and become just like the best of circles and communities I saw as successful and flourishing with thousands of followers.

Why were other people surrounded by thousands of followers?

As I continued my attempts at belonging to communities, I made the typical mistakes of the nouveau intern.   I am a wannabe.  I shared my blog links as part of my introductions to the more high profile numbers communities.  I was rudely awakened to protocol and also received some of the best advice, along with suggested reading posts and a list of circles to associate with.  

There are too many names to list here that are the movers and shakers and also are the most generous with their posts and suggestions.  Among the names of some of the top  gurus of my circles are:
+martin shervington .  Martin has developed and continued to provide key roadmaps for becoming a successful googleplus user. 
+Mark Traphagen  who is found in almost all the recommended best of circles for his insider knowledge on the values of googleplus.  
+pio dal cin graciously shared his suggestions for joining communities and the best practices for avoiding common mistakes.
During the course of the engagement online, you find a select few who form kinships, as if you were always  lifetime friends.   
+Tazein Mirza Saad  a super plusser, with more than 10000 in her following shares inspiration. Even while writing, I saw her post: 
Never give up on yourself, believe that you will live to see happiness come in your life, have faith, nothing is impossible, as long as you don't quit!
And I felt the warmth and sincerity of her encouragement.  The timing on the post is perfect. 
+Karin Sebelin  who lives in Friolzheim / Germany and has over 14000 in her circles has been a welcome new follower to my posts and has treated and supported my sharing with kind encouragement.

Successful posters share their successes with others.
+Gideon Rosenblatt  over 28000 in his circles has lent sound advice, which is continuously reshared and reposted.  
+Jens Graikowski has over 104000 in his circles and lives the good life.  He states he lives on a tropical island and works to make Google+ a better place.  He routinely shares posts that introduce and enable new users to get through the maze of circling on Google+.  His post like this one:   
How I post at G+ ...
When you've spend some time on #GooglePlus like me you tend to forget that there are new G+ users (goobies) starting on this network every day. The platform can be an intimidating place when you start out and the amount of fantastic features can be overwhelming, so let's start with the basics, shall we?  
is the kind of sound byte teaching  that every newcomer needs and values.  Everyone loves to follow Jens..

The fact is, I have a limited understanding on crowd sourcing.  
+Stephan Hovnanian  closing in on 2000 followers, with his post Google Plus for Crowdsourcing shares a detailed synopsis of best practices, that any newcomer needs, to become informed and more intelligent.

My learning curve is steeped in new and exhaustive reviews of favorite posts that are shared by so many.  I found out how to save favorite posts by another community superstar, 
+Jesse Wojdylo, with over 11000 followers.  His post was very instrumental in helping me to keep abreast of all the highlights of so many talented sharers.

+Valerij Karpinchik  with over 4600 in his circles,  suggested that he will continue to share until he gets the results he desires.  This statement gives others a sense reassurance to the perseverance factor.

With new apps, new product launchings, with multiple site interests sharing posts from the writers at #Time Magazine, #Forbes, #Huffington Posts, there is a wealth of information for library and research.   I follow posts from +Dave Kerpen a Linked In contributor, who provides a stream of articles which are cross posted with regular frequency.   His article #How to Write more Successful Blog Posts is a well crafted roadmap of touch points that all bloggers need to pay close attention to.  

It is no wonder, that the names of these thought leaders, are included in the best of circles that I am following.  I am gearing my engines up to have propulsion of growth and expansion of my followers base.  With the views on my blogs exceeding 2000 in the last month, I am energized that I am building circles of community, and ultimately, vibrant and participating followers.

What do you recommend as my next step, or what are your suggestions for improvement? 

For the communities and leaders that I follow, I invite you to share your insights and thoughts and comments and suggestions.   I am eager to learn and become prime real estate in circles, and communities building followers.

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