We dreamers have our way, of facing rainy days and sometimes we survive
We keep our feelings warm, protect them from the storm, until our time arrives
Then one day the sun appears, and we come shining through those lonely years....
lyrics from I made it through the rain sung by Barry Manilow
What medicine can be prescribed to hope, to trust and to adorn "belief" that allows one to dream on? I am really stretching my quotient of fortitude to herald the possibility of life purpose. I am struggling in this incarnation to actualize my dream and embrace my life purpose
From the many rags to riches, the "once was blind and now I see", the spiritual journey to faith, the victories from the desert of despair, the world is engorged with lofty profusion in stories of all who have walked their life paths and reached their worldly nexus. The worldly distribution of all that can be amassed is still most disproportionately imbalanced and I find that the struggle to be most burdensome.
Our generation of the post baby bloomers, the generation Xs, the millennials are inundated with maps for charting our lives to purpose, to prosperity, posterity, and social definition. The philosophy of being is commerced with possibility. We dream to be.
Marilyn Monroe, a figment of being, lived her life shadowed by the farce of beauty and hypersensitive sensuality. Michael Jackson, caricatured his artistry of being, to be masked under the veils of fantasy. Steve Jobs, supreme guru of ibeing, masterfully proliferated world reachability with touch and sound. Martin Luther King Jr. prophetically rendered the I have a Dream speech, and in witness to his dream, a President Barack Obama emerged.
What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. The cornucopia of related beingness is ever accessible and readily available. From Ebay to Amazon any purchaseable item is within seconds of ownership, subject to one's disposable income. The creation of billionaires have increased exponentially. From AOL, the now almost extinct dinosaur of internet entre to Google the playground of virtual connectivity, we are constantly talking, and wooing, and exchanging, and garnering information for more dissemination. And our minds are constantly wanting and dreaming of the indefatigable more.
With Facebook and other social media platforms, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, we invite ourselves to discuss and relate with family, friends strangers, the public, about every nuance that shapes our beingness. At my discretion, just like managing my palette for food, I can be aggressively consumptive in my utilization of virtual engagement. Apart from my own meanderings, public pronunciations, confessions, demonstrations of poetic license, it is also my desire for understanding more of the whole, that keeps me curiously engaged.
Oprah shows the majestic being of what could be. Her treasury is overflowing. Her wealth, her achievement, her accomplishments are testimonials of grandiose empowerment. She dreamed that she would be bigger than the circumstance that she was born into. From the outside looking in, I heartfully and earnestly salute the richness of her demonstrations of being.
Tyler Perry uses the myriad of challenging circumstances that would have undeniably stalled even the most daring of dream seekers to demonstrate the power of what can be. He merchandises the "If" factor....He presents the gift of his being cloaked in humor, and bathed in welcome prosperity
When T D Jakes describes the beginnings of his journey to becoming one of the most successful leaders in the realm of ministry, it resonates the Dream and belief potency.
Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Marianne Williamson and a burgeoning army of spiritual intuitives all resounding eschew the mental firmament of self awakening, self ascension, self resurrection. For the flock of the faithful, believing is the spiritual serum of salvation. The litany of quotes from the Secret is touted with philanthropic spewings. Every speaker, writer, blogger has become the pundit on matters of what one desires to become.
Innumerable volumes of works and theories are expounded on what the passion to dream entails. From the most scholarly and literary sciences our dream patent is encrypted with exploratory details and flourishing disguises.
With my posts, I am in a constant state of wonder. In my state of wonder, I am writing my life examination. The tests are plagued with refining and modifying the given circumstance with the desired result. What I have wished could have been, hasn't. The gift of understanding the dilemma of my existence is trapped in the shackles of disappointment.
As the blueprint of life unravels without the success roadmap in approachable reach, it makes the inspiration and the aspiration to live the dream seem unrealistic.
Nonetheless, there is a drama unfolding and the script is being perfected. I am wrestling the burden of embracing all that is not mine to have. Without the measure of wealth, success, and all the things that I continue to dream will unleash my inexhaustible potentiality, without the tangible expressions of the realization of security, without the diminished returns for all my life experiences, I would not be me.
Even in eyes of misfortune, I celebrate that I am yet unfinished. In the dearth of the unexplainable, the darkness of the soul, as described by Caroline Myss in her book Spiritual Madness, I passionately desire to be more.
As with all who are conflicted, and torn, and even demented by the ongoing dream to experience their earthly " I am more than any of the limitations of my awareness" I continue my quest with unquenchable passion and I and you, we must Dream On.
This song is what I am saying...We Dreamers have our way Of facing rainy days, and sometimes we surviveWe dreamers have our way