Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destiny. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2013

Life Journeys; Enjoy the Unknowns, Leave Yesterday Behind and Find Bliss…within

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."― Ralph Waldo Emerson

On this journey called life, the value of a moment is as fleeting as the blink of an eye. Life is birthing renewal, constant and flowing. There are moments of turbulence, insecurity, disaster and despair. And within these intimate moments, life presents our greatest triumphs and successes. The rare gems of the precious turbulence are shrouded in mystery, beauty and bounty.

Within each of us, there are untapped reservoirs of limitless opportunity and potential. We lose the direction to our opportunities, because there are mishaps along the way. When we find ourselves at the point of question and doubt, it is in the potency of insecurity, fear and unwelcome disorder, that we discover our real internal compass. Often in our chaos and wretched misery, we stumble upon the value in the valley.

To traverse the roadways of life with all of its bitter sweet byways, and highways, one has to live through the momentary hardships called experience. One has to experience the shattered and brokenness. One has to know that there is promise and redemption.
When failures and roadblocks occur with far more frequency than you would like, and you enter into the tunnels of despair, without ready escape, there is an inevitable light in the far distant shadows. It beckons you proceed with caution.

I have cursed my fate. I have imagined that I would have achieved all the accomplishment of personal distinction. I have fantasized about the luxury of bounty. I have yearned for material bank and prosperity, with all its companion artifacts; home, car, money, travel, jewels, and precious valuables. I have felt despondent and discouraged. I have experienced doom in my own financial perils. However, the experience of naught has also been the nurturance of my highest worth.

While in the valley of nothing, life summons a pause. The remarkable virtue of poverty is to appreciate more of less. I became richer in my compassion, empathy, concern and consideration. In the trials and tribulations I have discovered respite in sanctuary, solace and bliss. These are the real riches.

Life is a journey not a destination(Emerson). Each traveler on this life journey has a very singular and individual map. As I course through the years of my sunset, I bask in the optimism of tomorrow. I do not dwell on the now of defeat which only fuels the weary. I am propelled in the energy of illustrious unknowns, adventure and promise.

Ecstasy, euphoria and intimacy are scopes of life adventures filled with delicate and intimate perfumes. I look forward to be fragranced in lusty embrace. Mystery, chance, opportunity and destiny are transformative and enchanting episodes in the pageantry of life. I anticipate more opportunities to unearth wisdoms. Looking ahead to the journey, I am cautiously optimistic. 

The guideposts marked with humor, sensitivity, life loves are celebration to my human existence.  Life continues to awaken excitement and fervor with tailored anticipation. Life is very subtle. It is a journey filled with conflict, contradiction and intrigue. We are all on the journey to inevitability, the end destination, comrade Death.

In the essence of the time we spend in our journey called life, I dare say, celebrate your most treasured commodity, the inimitable, the priceless, one and only, the presence of what we inhabit. Enjoy the unknowns, leave yesterday behind and find bliss…within.

Situations of ill begotten circumstances are pivotal routes in life called detours. From the perspective of personal experiences, these are the luminous travels that help shape the vision of a lifetime of rebirths and new beginnings.

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