Watch and Enjoy a Trinbago University Graduation Our island Trinidad and Tobago celebrates and confers Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa a degree awarded without examination to as a mark of esteem to Dr Lord Nelson ---Veteran calypsonian Robert “Lord Nelson” Nelson rocked the Faculty of Humanities and Education graduation ceremony on Saturday morning when, instead of giving the usual speech, he performed two of his hits after being conferred an honorary degree of Doctors of Letters.Oct 29, 2022 -- And among the pedigree of #UniversityoftheWestIndies distinguished Scholars and Graduate, the iconic calypso rendition of #mihlover brought Professors, Degreed Candidates, friends and family to am exhilarating impromptu fete Read the story here https://ift.tt/FoNu2Tg. #allahweisone #trinidadandtobago #lordnelsoncalypsonian #calypso